
New option for USJA Sexual Harassment and Concussion Training Compliance

For all purposes where sexual harassment and/or concussion training is required by the USJA, satisfactory completion as evidenced by a certificate of completion shall be acceptable if issued by the US Center for SafeSport, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the National Federation of State High School Associations. See for more information […]

National Membership Services and Event Development Committee

The BOD are pleased to announce the formation of a new committee. The National Membership Services and Event Development Committee will encompass many responsibilities to enhance and grow Judo and the USJA. These responsibilities will oversee the Regional Coordination Committee working with our members and clubs.  The National Membership Services and Event Development Committee will also promote activities such as but

USJA/USJF Agreement

The Presidents of the USJA and USJF, with the assistance of their boards and staff, have signed a bilateral agreement of cooperation which includes the ability to attend each other’s tournaments and to accept each other’s ranks and certifications. Nothing changes in the relationship between USJA and USJF. We know that you have a multitude

Quarterly Promotion Date Annoucement

The next USJA Judo Rank & Certification call will take place in April 2022. Promotion applications for Rokudan and above will be considered during this call. This is not an automatic process. You must: Rokudan – Judan Be a current member of the USJA. Have obtained the required age, time in grade, and promotion points

Quarterly Promotion Announcement January 2022

The next USJA Judo Rank & Certification call will take place in January, 2022. Promotion applications for Rokudan and above will be considered during this call. This is not an automatic process. You must: Be a current member of the USJA. Have obtained the required age, time in grade, and promotion points for the rank

Board of Directors USJA Election Announcement

Results are in! Congratulations to the five (5) newly elected Board Members who will officially take seat on October 15,2021 joining Celita Schutz and Ed Rodriquez on the Board. Election Committee Chairman, PhilippeMorotti provided a report with the election results below as provided to him from the independentelection company, Association Elections. USJA Board of Directors

CRE & Rank Promotion Changes

All CRE’s, After receiving suggestions from our membership and updates from various committees, we are excited to be releasing the new “United States Judo Association Judo Rank Promotion System – Judo Manual, 11th Edition”. To continue to be the leading Judo association in the United States and remain competitive with the other judo organizations, we


We regretfully announce that the 2020 USJF/USJA Grassroots Judo 11th Annual Summer Nationals in Fort Lauderdale, FL have been cancelled. The 2021 Summer Nationals for Juniors, Seniors, Veterans, Kata, and Teams, will be held in New Jersey in July of 2021. There will be more information being released this summer. Stay tuned and stay safe.

2018 USJA / USJF Summer Nationals – Grand Rapids, MI

2018 USJA / USJF Grassroots Judo™ 9th Annual Summer Nationals – Grand Rapids, MI This premier annual event held during the 4th of July weekend. In addition to the junior national tournament, tournaments are held for all age groups and skill levels along with a referee clinic. Dates: July 6-8, 2018

Dr. Charles’ Judo Stamps

Welcome to the world’s greatest collection of martial arts stamps, coins, and phone cards!  Most of these items concern judo.  Without a single recorded injury, judo stamp collecting has to be the safest judo-related activity of all, safer even than kata judging and refereeing.

USJA Development Fund 2017

Over the last 3 years the USJA has supported athletes of all levels. We have given money to competitors and referees to help get them to competitions and training camps! We are a nonprofit organization and we thrive on supporting our members at all levels. This month we are asking for your help. Please donate

2017 USJA/USJF Winter Nationals

TOURNAMENT – SATURDAY DECEMBER 9, 2017 COACH & REFEREE CLINICS – FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2017 This premier event is held the first weekend in December in sunny Southern California by Los Angeles at Azusa Pacific University’s Felix Event Center. It was created and is hosted by Goltz Judo and is endorsed by the USJA/USJF Grassroots

July 6th, 2017 Board Meeting

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the United States Judo Association will be held on the 6th day of July 2017, at Seven o’clock (7:00) P.M., at the USJA/USJF Summer Nationals.  Exact room to be announced.

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