Certified Rank Examiners 2022

USJA continues to believe our black belts are more than qualified to evaluate and promote the students within their club. What we have learned since eliminating the CRE program:

  • We have club black belts that have no one in their area to assist with their own promotions because their Sensei has moved, deceased, or stop playing judo.
  • We have new Black Belts that were not trained in the promotion process or just have questions and not sure who to ask.
  • Individuals that have not tested in years and no one following up with them.

To assist with these situations and others, we have decided to reinstate the CRE program, effective February 1, 2022.

Certified Rank Examiner (CRE) Levels

  • CRE 3rd Dan or higher
  • Regional (RCRE) 4th Dan or higher
  • National (NCRE) 5th Dan or higher
  • Master (MCRE) 6th Dan or higher

Current Valid CREs


Once someone reaches the rank of Sandan or higher they are eligible to become a USJA Certified Rank Examiner (CRE), after they show their understanding and ability to follow all the requirements of the promotion procedure. This program allows certain individuals meeting the requirements to examine others for rank promotions.

  • There are four levels:
    • CRE having a rank of 3rd Dan or above. Advancement after this depends on a person’s rank and their ability to meet the requirements.
    • After spending one year as a CRE having the rank of 4th Dan or above, may apply to become a RCRE.
    • After spending one year as a RCRE having the rank of 5th Dan or above, may apply to become a NCRE .
    • After spending two years as a NCRE having the rank of 6th Dan or above, may apply as a MCRE.
  • These are progressive steps and regardless of rank you are not permitted to skip levels unless approved by the Certified Rank Examiner Committee (CRE). Those considered for the MCRE level must be signed off and approved by 2 MCREs and approved by the USJA CRE Committee.
  • At certain times, such as but not limited to changes in the promotion system, a CRE of any level must document for the CRE Committee their ability to conduct examinations using the newest promotion forms. When requested, at renewal or advancement, a CRE will either forward the most recent promotions they have examined or produce a sample promotion using the latest form and documentation.
  • An additional option is to attend a CRE clinic. (This would be a Zoom call or onsite clinic, covering all the details of the promotion process.)
  • To be eligible and remain valid all CREs must maintain their membership, background screening, SafeSport, and Concussion Training. All CREs must renew every 4 years.

Promotion Sign-off Requirements

  • LEVEL 1 CRE: Must have a minimum rank of 3rd Dan. As a 3rd Dan CRE, you are allowed to recommend promotions for Nidan and below. As a 4th – 8th Dan CRE, you are allowed to recommend up to one rank below your current rank. These promotions will all be reviewed and signed off by the Promotion Board.
  • LEVEL 2 RCRE: Must have a minimum rank of 4th Dan. As a 4th Dan and above RCRE you are allowed to recommend up to one rank below your current rank. These promotions will all be reviewed and signed off by the Promotion Board.
  • LEVEL 3 NCRE: Must have a minimum rank of 5th Dan. As a 5th Dan and above NCRE you are allowed to recommend promotions up to one rank below your current rank. These promotions will all be reviewed and signed off by the Promotion Board.
  • LEVEL 4 MCRE: Must have a minimum rank of 6th Dan. As a MCRE, you are allowed to recommend promotions up to one rank below your current rank. These promotions will all be reviewed and signed off by the Promotion Board.

Annual Promotion Points for CRE Committee

Points upon certifyingAnnual points
Certified Rank Examiner21
Regional Certified Rank Examiner 6 3 63
National Certified Rank Examiner 84
Master Rank Examiner 105

Each black belt RFP signed off 1

(Note: You only receive points for signing off on Black Belt Promotions.)


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