
Fellow USJA members,

As we are going into the New Year, we are hoping for an end of the Pandemic. Americans all over the country are suffering financially. Memberships in all three Judo organizations have fallen due to a lack of renewals and very few new members.

This letter is to ask you to consider sponsoring a member to renew at $60.00.

This would help both the member and the organization. You can also make a smaller or larger donation that we will bundle with others to renew a member or multiple members.

Together we will survive this pandemic and come out stronger.

Even if you can only help with $20, it would be greatly appreciated.

To donate, please either call the office at (516) 366-3311 or

Click here to help via credit card or PayPal.

God bless you and your family,

The USJA Board of Directors

Donations to the United States Judo Association are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. The United States Judo Association is recognized by the IRS as a, not for profit 501c3 charitable organization.

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