August Promotion Board & CRE Committee News

Congratulations to the following July/August 2023 Dan promotions:

Wesley BurriesciShodanSDBJJ Academy
Casey CurryShodanSpace Coast Judo and Jujitsu
Maien MiShodanUM-Flint Judo Club
Terri GrowShodanBowling Green Kentucky Judo Club
Christina ReaganShodanSmokey Mountain Judo
Jose VarelaNidanSamurai Judo Association
Marian KuszSandanUM-Flint Judo Club
James YoderSandanGoltz Judo
Kenton GivensSandan100 Kilos CSA
Loren BentleyYodanYawara Judo & Jujutsu of New Mexico

USJA Judo Rank Promotion System – DO YOU KNOW?

Certified Rank Examiner Program

For ranks above Sandan, if you are not currently a Certified Rank Examiner, go to the site, download and complete the CRE Application & a mock Promotion Packet, forward to the National Office and the CRE Committee will follow up with you on next steps. For additional information, logon to:, Dashboard, Committees, CRE.

Promotion Review Calls

The 2024 Q1 USJA Judo Rank & Certification call will take place in January 2024.  For Rokudan (6th dan) through Hachidan (8th dan), your promotion packet must be sent to the National Office by November 15, 2023, to be considered. The next Kudan (9th dan) Promotion Review call will take place in January, 2024. Your promotion packets are due to the National Office by November 15, 2023 to be considered.

Need help with Rank Promotions?

Reach out to your local CRE’s or the CRE Committee to assist with these situations and others. A list of CRE’s and their location are posted on, Committees, CRE.

International Judo Federation – Article 22 – Grades and “DAN” Ranks

The JUA and IJF officially recognize only those grades and “DAN” ranks which are awarded by the Member National Federations to their own members, to the exclusion of all others. A National Federation may not award a grade and/or a “DAN” rank to a member of another Member National Federation without the written agreement of that Federation. Any grade or “DAN” rank awarded without this agreement will not be validated by the JUA and IJF. Each Member National Federation is in charge of representing the JUA for the purpose of ensuring compliance with international regulations on grades and “dan” ranks throughout its national territory.

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