0CTOBER 21, 2021

The October 21, 2021, Board of Directors Zoom meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. by President Andrew Connelly.

Peter Mantel called the Roll. The following members were present:

  • Jack Borsch
  • Andrew Connelly
  • Bonnie Korte
  • Peter Mantel
  • Rob Reilly
  • Celita Schutz
  • Ed Rodriguez was absent
  • Michael Hall was present as a guest

6 Members of the Board were present and constituted a quorum.

The minutes from the October 17, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting were read and approved with no corrections.

The Treasurer’s report was read and approved.

President Connelly made a Motion that the Minutes reflect that Mr. Rodriguez’s and Ms. Schutz’s terms of office on the Board expired when the new Board of Directors was elected. President Connelly asked if there was a Second to the Motion. Celita Schutz called Point of Order. Ms. Schutz was recognized by President Connelly.

Celita Schutz stated the point of order, “the action the board is about to make is in contradiction to what took place in December 2019 and was voted upon. It was affirmed again by the Courts in Ocean County, NJ on September 28, 2021. There are minutes of those meetings in place stating that the staggered board was approved by the previous Board of Directors. I want to have that noted.

President Connelly ruled the Point of Order was not well taken. President Connelly stated “the 2014 Bylaws state that in order to amend a Bylaw, the board must have a meeting and it must be posted on the website for 30 days for membership view and comment, and then a vote must take place at a second meeting to affirm or deny the amendment to the Bylaws. Those procedures were not followed. The December 2019 issue is null and void.”

President Connelly stated that there is a motion on the floor that the minutes reflect that Mr. Rodriguez’s and Ms. Schutz’s terms ended when the new board of directors was elected. The motion was seconded. After discussion, the vote was taken, and the Motion for the minutes reflect that Mr. Rodriguez and Ms. Schutz’s term of office have ended was approved.

President Connelly stated the next item on the agenda was the review of Bylaws to determine if the removal of various USJA members from their positions and take the necessary action. Rob Reilly moved the motion to approve the reinstatement of Jesse Goldstein as a member in good standing. The Motion was seconded. There was no discussion. The vote was taken and the motion to approve the reinstatement of Jesse Goldstein as a member in good standing passed.

President Connelly stated the next item was to discuss the reinstatement of Brian Money as the chair of the Ethics committee and to replace him as the current chair for Rob Matrisciani. Jack Borsch made a motion to approve reinstatement of Brian Money as Chair of the Standards and Ethics Committee. The Motion was seconded. There was no discussion. The vote was taken and the motion to approve Brian Money as Chair of the Standards and Ethics Committee passed.

President Connelly stated the next item of discussion was the reinstatement of Bobby Donaldson as a member of the USJA Promotion Board. Jack Borsch made a motion to reinstate Bobby Donaldson as a member of the Promotion Board. The Motion was seconded. There was no discussion. The vote was taken and the motion to reinstate Bobby Donaldson as a member of the Promotion Board passed.

President Connelly stated the next item on the agenda was to review and discuss the Bylaws regarding the authority of the Standards and Ethics Committee and reporting procedures of the board of directors to take necessary action. President Connelly asked to postpone discussion on this item until the next board meeting.

President Connelly stated the next agenda item was to review the procedures for vacant positions on the USJA board of directors. There are 2 open positions right now and with Mr. Goldstein coming back as a member in good standing of the USJA, he received the 5th (highest) number of votes and Paul Rivera received the seventh highest number of votes in the 2021 Election. Rob Reilly moved that President Connelly contact Jessie Goldstein and Paul Rivera to determine if they would be willing to serve on the Board. The Motion was seconded, there was no discussion. The Motion that President Connelly contact Jessie Goldstein and Paul Rivera to determine their willingness to serve on the Board of Directors was approved

President Connelly stated the next item was to review and discuss the USJA Committee and Committee chairs. He stated that he had been in contact with Mr. Brian Money to be the Chair of the Standards and Ethics Committee. Brian Money was approved as the Chair of the Committee earlier in the Meeting.

President Connelly stated the next agenda item was the Publications committee, and recommended Connie Halporn be the Chair. Rob Reilly made a Motion to appoint Connie Halporn as Chair of the Publications committee. The Motion was seconded, and after discussion, the motion to approve Connie Halporn as Chair of the Publications Committee was approved.

President Connelly stated the next agenda item was the Referee Committee. Mr. Rick Celotto, and IJF A referee in Connecticut has consented to becoming the chair of the referee committee. Rob Reilly made the motion to approve Rick Celotto as Chair of the Referee Committee. The motion was seconded, and the motion approve Rick Celotto as the Referee Chair was approved.

A notice of the date for the next Board Meeting will be sent at a later time.

The Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. EST

Respectfully submitted:

Peter Mantel
USJA Board of Directors

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